Feria 2 Ruedas
May 15th to 18th, 2025
0D 0H 0M 0S
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Foro de la Mujer Motera / Feria 2 Ruedas

Academic events
Foro de la Mujer Motera

This event brings together leading representatives of motorcycle clubs in the country, as well as renowned opinion leaders on motorcycling and the role of women in the industry.

The forum addresses the regulations of the clubs and advances in terms of gender equity in the sector. Likewise, it aims to motivate the public and private sectors to work towards road safety for women and provide suitable conditions for their role as motorcyclists.

###Objective Promote and strengthen a motorcycle industry with civic consciousness and gender perspective, ensuring respect for diversity and considering active female participation on the road.

###Admission: Free with prior registration

Foro de la Mujer Motera


Laura Tobón

Laura Tobón

Influencer motera @moradabiker

Angie Martínez

Angie Martínez

Influencer motera @pangieoficial

Sara Sánchez

Sara Sánchez

Influencer motera @sasa

María Fernanda Yépez

María Fernanda Yépez

Actriz y modelo colombiana

Sandra Vélez

Sandra Vélez

Directora Club Antioquia Dos Ruedas

Rocio Centa

Rocio Centa

Periodista chilena de la revista Mototec



Influencer motera @viajaresuncuento

Lina Posada

Lina Posada

Directora Revista De Motos